During the coming days, videos of all of TALKERS 2023’s numerous sessions conducted June 2 at Hofstra University will be posted, continuing today with the panel discussion “Programming News/Talk Radio in the Digital Era – Part 2.” The session, sponsored by “Our American Stories,” is introduced by Alex FifeVP operations, Southeast, iHeartMedia – Total Traffic & Weather Network (pictured at right) and moderated by Walter SaboCEO, Sabo Media and host (Walter Sterling) of Sterling on Sunday (pictured above). Panelists (pictured below from left to right) include Dan Mandisprogram director and host, WTN-FM, Nashville; Ross Kaminskyhost KOA, Denver; Phil BoyceSVP, spoken word format, Salem Media Group/ops VP, New York region/WMCA/AM 970; Josh LengCEO, Talk Media Network; and Matt Meanyprogram director, WABC, New York/Red Apple Media. See the video of this session here.